Kinetic Vygo V2 riser

Produktnr: 12158-2
Kinetic Vygo V2. 25" barebow/recurve riser m/sorte vekter (2x200gr, 1x100gr).

Høyre- eller venstrebue: Er du høyrehendt skal du ha høyre bue. Du holder da buen med venstre hånd og trekker strengen med høyre hånd. Pilen blir dermed liggende på buens venstre side. Er du venstrehendt blir det omvendt.

NB: Husk å sjekke bolter og skruer på ILF-risere regelmessig. En bue er utsatt for mye vibrasjon og store påkjenninger så skruer og bolter kan løsne.
kr 3650,00
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Kinetic Vygo V2 25" Recurve Riser with Black Weight
The Kinetic Vygo V2 is a hybrid CNC-crafted ILF riser, uniquely designed for both Olympic-style and barebow archery. Made from high-quality 6061-T6 aluminum, this riser delivers the ideal combination of precision, durability, and adaptability. Whether you're new to archery or transitioning between styles, the Vygo V2 provides the perfect balance to excel in your archery journey.
Key Features

  • High-Quality Construction: CNC-crafted from 6061-T6 aluminum extrude-block for exceptional strength and stiffness.
  • Versatile Design: Suitable for both recurve and barebow shooting styles, offering flexibility for different preferences.
  • Integrated Barebow Weights: Features cylindrical weights for adjustable left and right weight balance, enabling optimal tuning.
  • Performance-Focused Geometry: Engineered to maintain stiffness and balance while reducing weight for enhanced performance.
  • Clicker Extension: Secured with double screws for stability and precision adjustments.


  • Length: 25".
  • Weight: 1280 grams.
  • Material: CNC Aluminum 6061-T6 extrude-block.
  • Fitting: ILF (International Limb Fitting).
  • Type: Right-Hand (RH) and Left-Hand (LH) options available.

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ÅPNINGSTIDER: Mandag-fredag 1000-1600
(kan være lurt å ringe først).

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