Old Mountain Symphony 64

Produktnr: 10101
Old Mountain hybrid langbue i 64"-lengde. Tillatt i WA langbueklasse menn. Midtstykke i dymondwood og teknowood lønn. Lemmer i bambus, karbon og sort glassfiber.

Buen leveres komplett med:
-Tilpasset buestreng.
-Messing nockpunkt montert og grovjustert
-Pilanlegg i skinn/filt

Høyre- eller venstrebue: Er du høyrehendt skal du ha høyre bue. Du holder da buen med venstre hånd og trekker strengen med høyre hånd. Pilen blir dermed liggende på buens venstre side. Er du venstrehendt blir det omvendt.
kr 3750,00
Velg RH/LH:
Velg dravekt:

The Longbow Symphony, with its 64" length, is a classic hybrid bow, a compromise between a recurve bow and a longbow.

The riser has an ergonomic shape, it's comfortable in the hand and it's made of Diamondwood and Teknowood maple, with light coloured inserts. The colour combination of dark wood with a core of burgundy-black reflections gives the bow a harmonious and modern design.

The limbs are built with a Bamboo core covered with black fiberglass and with an additional carbon insert that provides additional stability. The Symphony is not just beautiful and modern to the eye, but it also has good shooting qualities. 

Stikk innom!

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ÅPNINGSTIDER: Mandag-fredag 1000-1600
(kan være lurt å ringe først).

Ring oss: 97643351

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